The Heightened Chef’s Infused dinner series was created by a couple of friends from high school who came back together through a passion for food and for cannabis in 2017. Sensing the prospects in the emerging cannabis market and the need for a unique dining experience, they set out to create something brand new. The outcome is now the standard by which all others should be measured and has inspired many to begin their own journey within the cannabis industry.
With over 40 episodes of different themed menus and events, pushing out as many as 500 dishes for the night. Serving thousands of guests over the last three and a half years has allowed them to fine tune and perfect the formula for an evening of fine dining, music, education, laughter and cannabis consumption. Always pushing cannabis culture forward, The Heightened Chef team ensures the platform they’ve created is being used to showcase the very best cannabis companies in the community. The future of cannabis is bright with trailblazing pioneers like The Heightened Chef lighting the way!